Sunday, August 30, 2015

Back on the achievement horse! (Still want invincible...

It has been a HELL of a weekend.  Without going into too much detail, lets just say that I got no relaxation this weekend.  But life happens.

Anyway, I wanted to get back to getting an achievement a day.  However, when you grow up, your responsibilities also grow up.  So I decided on a different model for my achievements.  Instead of one each day, my goal is to get 7 a week.  That gives a lot more flexibility for RL to happen.  (For instance, working from home because someone gave you the responsibilities of your boss (who quit)'s job, but didn't give you the pay raise.  I'm not bitter at all.  Promise. Totally. *eye twitch*)

But, given it's been hell today and yesterday and I will need sleep, today's post is going to be short, sweet, and boring.  Below is the achievements for today.


-Following Up
-As I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of
-Putting the Gore in Gorgrond

Achievements to go this week: 4

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Back again for Draenor!

Well, as evidenced by the long time away from my blog, I took a long break.  WoD didn't seem that interesting, and it had mega bad reviews, so I decided to take a break, play a few other games, play some IRL game, etc.

But I heard about Legion and it fulfilled two out of two criteria for me coming back...Emerald Dream and Demon Hunters.  So, here I am!

I don't know how long it will take for me to get into the swing of 1 achievement a day, I have a lot of catching up to do and a lot of IRL stuff going on, but I do plan to be back to blogging and achievement whoring.

I'm leveling slowly, just enjoying the ride and doing achievements and pet stuff.  Its nice not having to rush to level, to be honest.  I'm LOVING my garrison, I though I'd hate it but I'm more obsessed about leveling up my followers than I am leveling up myself!

For tonight, the only agenda I have is pet hunting.  I am super behind on pets! 458/600.  I'll have to remedy that, so far two pets out of the raids so thats awesome!

And...of course they'll be lots of gold farming, both in preparation of the expansion...aaaaaaaaand I may owe my hubby 160,000 since he decided to come back.  But I went ahead and splurged a little, 110g for 3 pets I didn't have.  Hell, being 142 pets behind I need all the help I can get!

Back to playing!

Achievement: Started WoW again!