Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Achievement update

This week is looking like it might be update light again, since life is taking a walk on the crazy side.  But I wanted to log my achievements before I get more than the four I can see.

On a Massive Number of Missions
Treasure Hunter
Set Sail!
Explore Gorgrond

Left to Achieve: 3

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Draenor Safari and Sunday Achievements

In the opposite spirit of last week, I'm getting quite a few achievements done today.

I had A LOT of trouble getting Draenor Safari done.  I couldn't find Frostshell Pincher or Ironclaw Scuttler on my alliance character.  (After lots of dying and exploring, at that.)  What I ended up having to do was get a horde character their garrison, and I found them both with very little difficulty.  I've read that finding them doesn't have anything to do with zoning problems, but I'm inclined to disagree with my experience.  But, anecdotal evidence is anecdotal, so take it how you will.

I also got my Hearthstone Steed.  It was not difficult.  At all, I would have everyone do it.  I won my steed in a total of four battles. (You need to win three card battles to get your mount.)  First battle I won.  Second one the person quit right away so I got a default win.  The third battle I got totally smashed.  Fourth battle, the person just timed out.  Easiest mount ever.

So, don't know how many more I'll get done today.  If I manage to get most of them, I may just focus on leveling my death knight on my new server, just to get a sort of financial foothold on the server before I start transferring toons.  I'm not going to transfer right away because a) I don't plan on really seriously playing the game until Legion comes out (WoD really was worst expansion ever, sorry not sorry,) and b) transferring is expensive, and my epically sucky week that I complained about in my blog last week also was so I'd like to give my IRL bank account a break.

Time for an Upgrade
Draenor Safari
Draenic Pet Battler
Taming Draenor 
Heirloom Hoarder
My Item Level is Way Higher than Yours
Patrolling Draenor

Left to achieve: -1

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Level 100!

Well, its 8:46 and I need 3 more achievements for this week.

I am currently hunting for a Ironclaw Scuttler that does not exist for another achievement.

We'll see if I get my 7 for this week.

Edit: I managed to get my 7 in.  I feel like I waited too long, but given how terrible this week was, I'm just glad I got them in at all.

As for now, I finally decided to give Hearthstone a try to see if I could get my free Hearthsteed mount.  Its not awful as a game, but I doubt I'll play it after my first 3 wins.

Oh well, off to Hearthstone!

Level 100
Even More Plots
Proving Yourself: Bronze Healer
Keepin' Busy

Left to Achieve: 0

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hump day achievements

My blog posts have been pretty lame lately.  Almost as lame as the stress in my life.

Without angsty rants, I did manage to get an achievement this night.  I had been seriously questioning whether or not I'd be getting my seven achievements this week, but I got one.  My current goal is to just hit 100, now that I have all raid pets.  I'm sure a lot of achievements will come with level 100.

Achieved: Don't Let the Tala-Door Hit You on the Way Out.

Achievements left: 4

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Raiding with Leashes

So, its Tuesday, and I got two achievements.

But, Prince Malcazar finally gave up his STUPID PET.

This weeks sucks.

Raiding with Leashes II: Attunement Edition
Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin' From the Sunwell.

Achievements left to go: 5,  It's gonna be a long WoW week.  And IRL week.

(IRL is overrated.)

Friday, September 11, 2015

Achievements for week.

So yeah...this week sucked in a billion ways.

But instead of regaling you with a billion rants of my problems, I'll just be short and catalog what achievements I got for this week.

And for a tip with people reading for tips, I'm drunk out of my mind...and I got these achievements.  So if you're looking for easy achievements, here you go.

-My Item Level is Higher than Yours
-Darkmoon Race Enthusiast
-Darkmoon Race Novice
-Darkmoon Race Jockey

Achievements left: 0.  Thank god because life exploded and I don't know that I would have gotten it done this week.

On to gathering more pets.  Because Karazhan hates me.  I hate it too.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Netherspace Abyssal is a lie.

I've done Karazhan with six characters for two weeks, and no Netherspace Abyssal.  So, as of now, I still have to do all of Karazhan every week to try and get this stupid pet.  Once I get it, DONE WITH KARAZHAN, including mount.

In other ironic news, my priest got the Thori'dal.  I'm totally keeping it.  And not bitter at all about the one binding sitting in my rogue's bank after I hoarded all my DKP for the second one and never saw it in the game.  Ever.  On any toon.

I should probably report my achievement process.  Business as usual, this week is turning out to be as crazy as last week, so who knows if I'll get seven for this week.


-Raising the Bar
-Flying High 
-Ring Master

Left to achieve: 4

Saturday, September 5, 2015


D'aww I love Elekk Plushie!

I'm in a bit of a bind, I need to get one more achievement tonight, and I have a ton to do.  Nothing really easy to grab either, so I'm either going to have to get creative or get grindy.  Hoping I can get it done tonight!

Edit: I went to a friend's garrison and /waved.

Achieved: Overstuffed
                  Garrison Buddies

Achievements left to go: 0!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Achievement update

It's kind of funny, I read back into my blog, horrified how awful getting "Rookie Pet Mob" would be. Happily, I just got it, and it didn't feel too awful.  I think it helped I was just slowly leveling and enjoying the pet battles.

Now, onto Overstuffed (OMG I love plushie Elekk...) and Pro Pet Mob.  THAT is gonna be a long grind.  (Or maybe it won't be so bad and I'll look back on this post and go pfffffft....)

Achieved: Rookie Pet Mob

Achievements left to go: 2

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Update on achievements

Well, today is a lazy post.  IRL has kind of exploded into badness, so I'm actually surprised that I have time to post at all.

I've been focusing on just getting my pets from raiding instances.  Of course, true to Murphy's law, I have all of the Karazan pets except for the last boss.  So I have to do the whole instance next week anyway.

Despite the crazy, I have gotten a couple more of achievements.  I hope to get enough to meet my week quota.



Achievements to go this week: 3

(I better get going!)