Friday, December 7, 2012

Naxxramas and Gardening

Finally, after a long while of forgetting to plant my garden a few days and just plain slacking off on others, I finally got the "Listen to the Drunk Fish" achievement.  (Without ever paying the damn fish a cent.)

Personally, I'm a stingy player.  If it isn't a mount or a rare pet I'm not going to spend a lot of gold on it.  (Because, you know, some day I'm going to buy Invincible.  And it went for gold cap last time so I don't have any gold to spend on advice.)  So I just planted a different seed in each patch, and just stopped planting them as I got the needed plants for the achievement.  My last plant to hold out was the damn red blossom leeks.  I don't think I'll even ever use them.  (Wonder if they'll sell.)

In other good news, despite my regrettable loss of several mount with my transfer, after finally being not lazy and raising my Tushui  Pandaran reputation to exalted, I got my 150 mount achievement and my puke colored Jade Kite.  In sad news, I bought a whole bunch of mounts I was holding out on to save gold for my Invincible fund, so I am now poor again.  But, gold can always be made back again, so I'll be busy sitting on the AH, selling all the stuff I let pile up (and red blossom leeks.)

Tonight, on top of my Plant stuff achievement, while farming my pets my husband kindly assisted me with a few of the left over achievements I had from Naxxrammas 10.  (Don't worry, he is well rewarded ;) )  I finished "The Dedicated Few", "The Safety Dance", "Shocking", and "And They All Go Down Together."  Unfortunately we oopsed and killed a spore at Lotheb (and, ironically, the only boss that dropped a pet) so we'll have to go back and get that next week, but over all I'm thrilled to finally have those off the massive "to do" list that is the achievements page.

When I logged in for the first time on 5.1, I also found that I had earned my "Beloved" title for getting 160 achievements.  While I appreciate the achievement, I was surprised that it was nerfed down from 170.  Even though I got it, I'm not letting myself off the hook.  The two hardest achievements I have left for this one (and really, all reputations) is Silverwing Sentinels and the League of Arathor reputations.  I'm not really much of a PvPer, and word on the street is that priests are getting eaten alive.  But, really, I'm neither a hardcore PvPer nor a FoTM player, so I'll just take it as it is and work slowly towards my achievement.  I think I'm going to try and avoid getting burned out by setting a goal of one win per day of each battleground, except during Holiday weekends, in which I don't want to waste the reputation boost.

As for tonight, I think I will try to get one additional achievement tonight.  Since I have tomorrow off, and Scenaturday is fixed, I'm going to get my Dustwallow Marsh quest achievement done, just in case doing the Theramore scenario makes it impossible to get all 60 quests.  (Not going to lie though, this Loremaster dies a little inside seeing all those unfinished achievements.)

Well, off to questing and PvPing, happy weekend achievement hunting to all!


-Listen to the Drunken Fish
-And They All Go Down Together (10 man)
-The Safety Dance (10 man)
-Shocking (10 man)
-The Dedicated Few (10 man)

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