Friday, November 20, 2015

Evened out.

It's been a busy week, I haven't had too much for anything except garrison chores.  It was nice to have a bunch of achievements banked up for the week, it took a load off.

As much as it is cheating, I'm going to use my two WoW anniversary achievements as my achievements.  Maybe partially because I feel cheated out of toys.  I'm a little sore about the lack of pet...and the charges (seriously?  Couldn't it just be toys?)

I'm also disappointed, because there is a couple transmog items I thought I had...but don't.  I really wanted to put on my white absolution set (SO pretty) just to find out I'm missing the shoulders and hat.  I'm really disappointed.  I could have sworn I had it (and really don't want to go back to black temple until my rogue goes for glaives.)  But, the set is pretty enough I might just go for it.

I'm actually kind of torn on what to do.  I want to level my alts for the monies, but I also want to farm mounts.  Which means apexis shards.  Which means a lot of time on my alt.  Though, honestly, maybe my DPS alts could farm them a lot faster than my "smite pew pew."

Eh.  I may try out a raid finder tonight.  Or a heroic or two.  I've really slacked on those.

Anyway, happy Friday.

WoW's 11th Anniversary
Did Someone Say...?

Left to Achieve: 0

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