So, as evidenced by my lack of posts, I took a hiatus...a LONG hiatus. I think probably the longest since I've started the game. There were a few things that led up to it.
1)Ever since cataclysm, I've been thoroughly disenchanted by the game and game decisions. I played a heroic raiding disc priest back when they were changing the class every two days. I had literally spent thousands re-gemming, enchanting, and reforging my gear, only to have my class change mid raid. That's right...MID RAID.
Now, I would understand if we were underpowered for a few patches, and let me tell you, being ANY healing class (except paladins) in the beginning of cataclysm was HELL. (Probably the first time leveling up actually made my heals WORSE.) Every class takes a ride on the fail train for a few patches. But the constant changing of the class at all, let alone while competitively raiding, completely broke my interest in raiding in WoW (or in general) at all. And that's a big part of the game. I quit in cata for a while because I just didn't feel like WoW deserved my money after the terrible decisions they were making.
2)Then came Pandaria. I resubbed to try it...only to find it was the most mind-numbingly BORING expac WoW had ever put out. For all its faults with balancing, at least Cata had beautiful, new, extremely unique zones to go and spend time in. Pandaria's zones were like Azeroth 2.0. Only LESS pretty and LESS interesting. And I found none of the lore interesting. Granted, in real life super spiritual pacifist races would be the absolute ideal...but in a video game where your main mode of leveling up is mass murdering creatures to make a bar go up...its so painfully boring. And it didn't help that I never was really a fan of the pandas anyway...back in BC when people were all hoping for Pandas instead of space squid for a race...I was praying that they wouldn't be. And pandaria is what happens when you take an April Fools joke and make it real...boring boring boring.
But now I'm back. And there's only one reason why I'm back: My favorite X-pac was burning crusade.
While I'm kind of sceptical of the 'going back in time thing' and all, I would absolutely LOVE to see what outland looked like before the shit hit the fan. I don't know if I'm going to pre-order or not (though having another 90 would be awesome...moar Raid solo-ers moar better.) I'm definitely not going to rush leveling or grind gear or raid in preparation...I admit when I resubbed...I played for two hours and got terribly bored, again. I'm going to focus on two things: Leveling my alts (and my last profession) and hoarding gold, because you know...I still need Invincible.
I don't think I'll be able to keep up with my former goal of 1 achievement a day anymore, however. A LOT has changed since I stopped playing. I traded my terrible, insano-boss, stressful for barely over minimum wage (and still feared my paycheck bouncing) part time job for two jobs (a full time mon-fri job and an additional one.) I've also added a couple RL pets to my pack and now I am expecting my first child. So there is a lot more to be done IRL. To add to that, my hubby has permanently dropped WoW to play wildstar, and really wants me to play with him, so I'll have to devote some of my non-exhausted time (which is rare these days) to leveling up my toon there.
Well, that is all for now, I have to get re-acquainted with the game. (And find some damn addons, going nuts.)
Oh, but I did get my achievements for yesterday.
Kalimdor Safari
World Safarai
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