Just a quick update before I get ready for work. Today is one of my 14 hours work days (both jobs) so I probably won't update again today (or get an achievement, usually I feel pretty dead after 14 hour days.) Not to mention I have a 14 hour-er tomorrow as well, so it's going to be pretty WoW-lite for the next couple days.
It took me a day to kind of get my footing again and get a sense of where my goals are (though not completely, I didn't really play my main that much.) I've pinned down at least a few solid goals before Warlords comes out, though I don't know if some of them might be a bit far-reaching.
Here's the ones I've ironed out:
1)Get my hunter's engineering maxed out
-All that's left is the pandaria stuff, which I'm already farming for. But let me tell you, getting those harmony motes is a pain in the ass. All the way up to level 86 (she needs to be 87) I got one measly mote...so by the time I get enough she'll probably be on her way to my second goal...
2)Have five level 90 characters
-I already have 3, and I'd like to have more than five, but I'm not going to push myself too much
3)Hit Gold cap (or at least sell all of my excess crap)
- I'm pretty far from gold cap at this point on any of my characters, but I would eventually like to have at least one gold capped character to sit at the BMAH and watch out for mounts. And I'd like to sell all my "stock" before Warlords hits and prices plummit.
4) (Maybe) level my alliance rogue to 90
-I don't know if this will be entirely possible, she's 71 now, but I realized, with only her and my main alliance side...I have no herbalists for my main's alchemy except her. It's going to be lame leveling up alchemy without herbs...almost as lame as rushing to level up the rogue. So we'll see about how that goes.
5)Have all highest level bags for all my bank slots and main slots on main.
-I think I only need 4 more. The funny part about this is for some reason, even though I've been a tailor ever since BC (when my character was made) I've never ended an expansion with fully decked out bag space. And with all the gear sets and trinkets and toys I have, I definitely need them.
As for the BMAH woes, there was a drake of the south wind up there. It's not one on my target, but it would have been nice to have since I imagine soloing Al'Akir is going to be an epic pain in the butt, even at level 100. But I set my limit at 100k, bid, and still didn't get it. I'm not too upset, I'd rather save my pennies for Invincible anyway.
And I almost got suckered into the new little mystery bags that they've been selling on the BMAH now. I saw it up for 6kish, read that you could get a mount, and put a bid in. Then I learned that sad things can happen, like my mining/herbing bot druid getting a set of cloth pvp items and was instantly hit with regret. Luckily, someone outbid me and I got my gold back...by the time I went to bed it was up to something like 10k. I'm not a gambler in RL or WoW life, so I'll just hope that other Invincible-rider-wannabees just drain all their money on that so when the real deal pops up I can snag it. (Fat chance, but a Night Elf can dream.)
Well, other than that, I got one achievement, Collector: Cracked Mogu Runestones. And for today, I'm going to download auction and try to get rid of as much crap as I can while I work. (Hey, it might make the day go a little faster. Any little bit helps when you're working 14 hours.
That is all.
Collector: Cracked Mogu Runestones
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