One of my main goals for legion was to get all of the Draenor reputations to exalted so it wasn't something I had to deal with when Legion came out. I was going to grind them out, but I decided if I was willing to drop gold cap on a single mob, why not drop 300,000k or so getting 5ish mounts instead?
So I cheated and used Medallion of the Legion to get all of my reputations to exalted and maxed out. I'm glad I did, because that really propelled me forward to work on other achievements before Legion comes out (and I know it will come faster than expected. Hell, its already almost March!) With those I got some mounts, pets, and toys. And I figured while I was on a crazy gold-shopping spree I might as well get my alliance motor-bike-thingy 100k. Doesn't look that awesome, but I would have had to buy it anyway.
To get my Draenor flying (which will hopefully help out other achievements/Tanaan jungle) I have to find 200 treasures. I don't have the addons to help me with that, but I will be researching what to get. BTW, Nagrandeur was a bitch, only because finding the Ring of Trials breadcrumbs was not easy.
I managed to grab a lot of achievements from this, which is great since I'm going through a life transition right now. It affords a lot of flexibility for the future.
-Steemwheedle Preservation Society
-Wrynn's Vanguard
-Shatari Defense
-Between Arak and a Hard Place
-Loremaster of Draenor
-Securing Draenor
-Ready for Raiding IV
-Arakkoa Outcasts
-Savage Friends
-Council of Exarchs
-Mantle of the Talon King
-Tanaan Diplomat
Left to Achieve: -40
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