Friday, February 5, 2016


I have achieved my life long WoW goal.

I got Invincible.

I didn't even have to spend a million gold to get him.  I got it on a last minute run of Icecrown Citadel that I hadn't really planned on doing.  So much relief.  I had actually taken a week and a half break because I got burned out on mount hunting (Thanks again, Huolong.)  It gave me another boost of WoW energy.

With that major goal out of the way, the game is actually more fun now.  I think I'll just set my next ultimate goal to getting 300 mounts, and be relatively caught up on this expansion so I don't leave a ton behind to do for the next expansion.  Hopefully I can get all of the reputations to exalted before Legion. Barring any breaks, I don't think that this would be too difficult.

What's awesome is my lucky streak didn't end there: I managed to snag the Drake of the South Wind too.

So thats two instances off of my weekly to-do list. Freeing up time on the to-do list is almost as awesome as getting the mount itself.

Speaking of mount farms, the Love Festival (or whatever it is) is coming up, and I don't have the mount from there, so I figured now would be a good time to blast my way to Quintessential Quintet. I actually have 3 toons I want to get to 100, so that would be six, but I figure the more chances at the mount the better.  (Tough, if Headless Horseman's Reins is any indication, I could have 100 100s and still not get it.  But trying is better than not trying.)

Which cleared off another thing on my to-do lists: Got my 5000g on my mount so I can add my hard-earned Blue Proto-Drake

So far that brings me up to a total of 214 mounts.  (So. Far. Behind.)  But, its nice to know that there is a pit-stop on the 250 mark, I'll be looking forward to that.  Probably my next glut of mounts will come from getting all of my Draenor factions exalted. (Dungeon rep bonus coming up!)

So for now, just leveling alts.  My goblin hunter is 98, my blood elf rogue is 92, and my night elf druid is 91.  My goblin seemed to go fast, but the blood elf seems to be dragging a lot.  On top of this I'm working on their professions as well, because that is one thing I really don't want to leave until Legion.

But of course, there's always real-life to tend to.  I will be actively moving next week, so that is going to put a dent in my progress.  I'm hoping to get at least a couple of my toons to 100 this weekend so I don't have to kill myself next week to get them all to 100.  (I may or may not try to get my troll warlock to 100, since she's 88 that feels like a tall order, but its in the back of my mind.)

-Tons of Toys
-Petty Officer
-Master of All

Left to Achieve: -32

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